More About Glory School

Highly Recommended School



At Glory School we are passionate about raising up a company of sons and daughters in their God given identity for the purpose of advancing the kingdom of God. We believe the keys to achieving this is through being rooted in community, in class teaching, training and equipping and out of class activations and development.


What Makes GCSSM Unique?

Glory School of Supernatural Ministry blends teaching God’s word in class and having out of class opportunities to “practice” what was taught. Part of becoming a confident son or daughter is by exploring what being a new creation means, the righteousness of Christ and what the work of the cross means for us as believers. We also believe it is essential for believers to first be whole in their own lives and from that place pour out and minister to others. 


A Word from Our Lead Pastor:

Pastor Tony Thompson

Pastor Tony Thompson

Senior Leader of Glory City Church, Atlanta. Apostolic Lead of Glory City Network USA and founder of Tony Thompson Ministries.

As the visionary and senior leader of Glory City Church Atlanta, it has always been in my heart to build a kingdom-minded culture. The vision for GCC Atlanta, in part, is to become an apostolic training and sending center, as we encourage, impart, equip and disciple believers to step out of mediocrity and over into the the extraordinary plans and purposes of God for their lives. By carrying out this part of the vision, every believer will be empowered to step into their divine mandate and take the mountain of influence they have been called to for the kingdom of God. In doing so, we will impact lives with God's love and transform families, communities and nations as we see His will done on earth as it is in heaven! I am excited for the new launch of Glory City School of Super Natural Ministry. It is my firm belief that GCSSM's conception is a vital part of seeing this vision come to pass.

A Word from Our Director:

Cait Otwell

Cait Otwell

Director of Glory City School of Supernatural Ministry

Thank you for your interest in Glory City School of Supernatural Ministry. We are so excited about what God is doing upon the earth! We are passionate about raising up a company of sons and daughters in their God given identity, for the purpose of advancing the kingdom of God. We are grateful to be a part of equipping these ones in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. I know for me personally, growing in my identity, learning tools to grow in my relationship with Christ and understanding the power of the Holy Spirit that lives within me has profoundly impacted my life. I pray this school will do the same for you.

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